Phoenix Primary School is nestled in central Chatham, close to rail and bus routes.
Chatham is part of the unitary authority of Medway which incapsulates the towns of Chatham, Gillingham, Strood, Rainham and historic Rochester. We are privileged to be surrounded by history and culture from the castle and cathedral at Rochester and the historic dockyard where Nelson’s HMS Victory was built, to the Theatres in Chatham and the many state-of-the-art sporting facilities across the towns. We have access to a rich and diverse heritage steeped in tradition and more modern customs and celebrations.
We are an integral part of the Beyond Schools Trust with a family of ten schools. Within our Trust we have Balfour Juniors, Warran Wood Primary, Hilltop Primary, Chantry, Greenacre and Walderslade Partnership, Robert Napier, Thomas Aveling and Fort Pitt. We collaborate relentlessly to ensure we are as a Trust consistently moving and learning for the benefit of our pupils and their futures.
Phoenix Primary School is a proud Centre of Excellence, accredited enhanced VbE and Character Education setting.  Our Phoenix Legacy values are the heart of our curriculum; we have twelve core school values that guide children's choices, behaviour and learning with our focus being on creating moral and ethical citizens.
Please click on the icons to see the full reports.

Our Phoenix values and British Values underpin our curriculum and are the golden thread that run through all areas; our children develop confidence, responsibility and independence through community based outcomes, opportunities for making change within the school community and an opportunity to leave a Phoenix footprint through our Phoenix Legacy books. Our Phoenix Legacy books see the children through their school journey and are an opportunity for them to showcase their values in motion both in and out of school. For example, showing Adaptability by adapting to seasonal changes when at Forest School or Teamwork by fundraising for charities or school events. Vaues based assemblies are embedded into the weekly school timetable and are an opportunity for children and staff to discuss different personal developments.
These values are the explicitly taught, caught and sought through daily interactions, lessons, assemblies and learning journeys, with our additional values complimenting our moral values as they are crucial for development of well- rounded citizens.
Each term we concentrate on explicitly focussing one of our school values through assemblies and learning journeys across the curriculum. Whilst one value is explicitly taught, caught and sought, the other eleven are also referenced and modelled within daily interactions and lessons; they are embedded throughout the curriculum.
Our values are celebrated within weekly and end of term celebration assemblies where children and staff are nominated for showing those virtues. Parents and carers are invited to attend to celebrate.
The language of values is modelled within daily interactions and also explicitly taught within values based lessons and assemblies. Children are celebrated when these values are ‘caught’ in action through house points as well as by acknowledging them through community outcomes both in and out of school via our Phoenix Legacy books.
Ofsted defines fundamental British values as ‘democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’. At Phoenix, British values are promoted in so much of what we do, not least during our school assemblies and Personal Development, Religious Education, RSE and PSHE curriculum offers across the school. The values taught in these sessions are integral to our school ethos and they complement British values.
We recognise that many of the principles of safeguarding link closely to our schools Safeguarding, SMSC and British Values Policies. Through our curriculum, we implement the 9 protected characteristics of The Equality Act and its impact on the children’s understanding of British Values as well as teaching how this can develop them beyond their Phoenix journey into Secondary School and adulthood.
As well as actively promoting British values, the opposite also applies: we would actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British values, including ‘extremist’ views. Our staff acknowledge that exposure of children to extremist ideology can hinder their social development and educational attainment alongside posing a very real risk that they could support or participate in an act of violence. Radicalisation of young people can be compared to grooming for sexual exploitation. Safeguarding against exposure to radicalisation and extremism is no different to safeguarding against any other vulnerability and should be approached in the same way as protecting children from other risks.
All staff complete appropriate safeguarding training such as Prevent to ensure they are well equipped to prevent and safeguard others against the risk of radicalisation.

Mrs M Ireland-Hubbert
Mrs J Studniarz-Thring
​​Miss E Parsons
Miss C Beer​
Mrs E Branscombe-Ling
Mrs E Barnwell
Miss S Groom
Miss J Penn
Miss E Roworth
Miss A Foster-Johnson
Mr N Roper
Miss R Lakha
Miss G Evans
Miss R Page
Deputy Headteacher & Inclusion Manager
​Assistant Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead
SENCo / Class Teacher
FLO / Pastoral & Wellbeing Support
Pastoral & Wellbeing Support / HLTA
Office Coordinator
Attendance & Admissions Coordinator
Receptionist / Admin Assisstant
Site Manager
Upper KS2 Phase Lead / Class Teacher
Lower KS2 Phase Lead / Class Teacher
EYFS & KS1 Phase Lead / Class Teacher
Miss G Harris
Mrs L Page
Miss K Trotman
Mrs S Dhaliwal
Miss H Smith
Miss S Line
Miss S Farne
Miss E Callow
Mrs W White
Miss H Lawrance
Teacher in Training
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Teacher
Ms C McCormack
Mrs C Jenner
Miss S Cairns
Mrs K Wells
Mr B Hodges
Mr J Vine
Mrs M Kakol
Mrs G Vickery
Ms L Cocianga
Mrs T Coulson
Ms S Kapija
Miss J Spillett
Mr B Shawsmith
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Munday
Mrs K Jackson
Miss B Harding
Midday Meals Supervisor
Midday Meals Supervisor
Midday Meals Supervisor
Mrs S Woolmer
Mr A Lowes
Mrs A Przybyla
Mrs O Oladipo
Cleaning Supervisor

The Dog Mentor Programme has built upon the benefits of the human-animal bond by providing children positive experiences with dogs that can help them educationally, developmentally, emotionally and socially. The aim of The Dog Mentor is to create a completely universal offering in your environment for not only social, emotional and mental health well being but also covers all aspects of curriculum based education in order to improve educational outcomes.

The Beyond Schools Trust Board has the overall legal responsibility for all aspects of the academies schools and delegates specific responsibilities to the individual Local Governing Body (LGB) as stated in its Scheme of Delegation.
Currently some members of the Trust Board sit on the LGB of each school.
For more information about our Trust and governance structure, please contact office@phoenixprimary.com
Mrs Nikki Drury
Mrs Barbara Fincham
Ms Mel Ireland-Hubbert
Mr Nathan Roper
Mrs Gillian Whittaker
Mr Rob Wilkin
​Ms Katarzyna Wronowska
Governor (Co-opted)
Vice Chair of Governors (Co-opted)
Governor (Staff)
Governor (Co-opted)
Chair of Governors (Co-opted)​
Governor (Parent)
Appointed by
Trust Board
Trust Board
Ex Officio
Trust Board
Trust Board
Trust Board
​Trust Board
Former Governors (Resigned or Ended Term in the Past Year)
Ms Hope Uyinmwen – 31.08.24
Mr Nick Smith – 01.10.24
Mrs Jane Wright – 27.11.24

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We strive to ensure that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mel Ireland – Headteacher.
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Claire Beer.
Our Governor, Barbara Fincham, has governor responsibility for Safeguarding.

Melissa Ireland-Hubbert

Georgia Evans
Lower KS2 Phase Lead

Claire Beer

Elizabeth Branscombe-Ling
SENCo & Class Teacher

Jolanta Studniarz-Thring
Deputy Headteacher & Inclusions Manager

Eirini Parsons
Assistant Headteacher

Rachael Page
EYFS & KS1 Phase Lead
​If you visit the school, we hope that your visit will be enjoyable, informative and safe. Please help us by reading and complying with the guidance contained within this page, which is intended to ensure your health and safety whilst at Phoenix Primary School. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff who will be happy to help. Our Safeguarding and Child protection Policy covers everything you need to know before and during your visit.
The alarm is a continuous bell. You must leave the building immediately by the nearest fire exit
The assembly point is the playground, please go straight there and let a member of staff know that you are present
Do not take any personal risks
You must not re-enter the building until told it is safe to do so.
If you need first aid or feel unwell please report to the school’s Reception where you can be seen by a qualified first-aider.
Contractors must ensure that they follow any health and safety guidelines that may apply. By doing so, you will assist us in meeting the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
All visitors and contractors coming into the school must sign in at Reception using our electronic system. Please ensure your visitors pass and lanyard are clearly visible at all times.
If you are going to be working unsupervised with students, you will be asked to produce your DBS certificate, together with proof of identification, i.e. passport or driving licence. Without this you may not be granted access.
If you have a concern about the welfare or safety of a child, please do not hesitate to contact the school’s safeguarding team. The email addresses of the Safeguarding team are available on this website, or you can call the school office and speak to one of them to confidentially report a concern.
If you want to report an incident or suspicion of abuse, you can contact:
Medway Children’s Services: Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm on 01634 334 466
Local Authority Designated Officer: 01634 331 065
Police – call 999 in an emergency or otherwise 101
NSPCC Whistleblowing: email: help@nspcc.org.uk or call 0800 028 0285
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP).
This is the UK’s national police agency for dealing with child protection, particularly online abuse. If you’re worried about someone’s behaviour towards a child online, you can report this online at www.ceop.police.uk
Erika Barnwell is our Family Liaison Officer, she is able to offer advice and support to our children and families.
She helps overcome any difficulties or barriers which may affect the children’s well-being and experience of school, for example: working on friendship issues, behaviour problems, attendance or self-esteem, through to family worries such as debt, bereavement and relationship changes.
If you have any concerns or need help or advice please call the school on 01634 829009 or email ebarnwell@phoenixprimary.com or pop in to see me, I am in school Monday – Friday between 08:00 and 15:00
The Data Protection Officer is responsible for overseeing data protection within the School so if you do have any questions in this regard, please do contact them on the information below: –
Data Protection Officer: Craig Stilwell
Company: Judicium Consulting Ltd
Address: 72 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6AE
Email: dataservices@judicium.com
Web: www.judiciumeducation.co.uk
Telephone: 0203 326 9174